In trawling the FSP Retail Database to ensure SnapShop is up to date, I’ve noticed a bit of trend towards world domination by . . . . . Debenhams!
Some while ago, Debenhams took over the Irish Department store retailer Roches, but this wasn’t a new thing, even then. Brown’s of Chester were swallowed up on the 1970s. And not just in the UK either, with Magasin du Nord of Denmark now part of the group.
But not content with gobbling up independents, Debenhams is making headway with absorbing concession retailers too. When Mosaic Fashion hit the buffers in early 2009, the newly created Aurora Fashions washed its hands of Principles and Debenhams scooped up the brand name and stock. And just recently, Faith, following a very rocky history, has followed a similar path and Debenhams has picked up the pieces of concessions already trading in their stores.
Where next? With Morrisons and Peacocks taking a lead in dressing your spuds, should we be looking out for Tesco and Debenhams signing a pact for world domination?